
The Crazy Underneath the Crazy.....

Yesterday, Celeste came over after school to hang out and I confronted her about Mr. Zullo.  She got all Intro to Psyche on me and gave me that "worried about you" stuff.   She kinda got to me.

I've been thinking she's been going all counselor on me the past couple of months because of her own experiences with the White Castle incident when she ran away freshman year.  Or that she was pissed because I wouldn't tell her anything more than I told everyone else, which was: "My brothers and my dad are/were in the hospital.  I'm really worried and off my game."

The teachers bought it.  Mr. Zullo bought it (I think).

But Celeste is still bugging me.  And she really did seem worried.

So, unless Celeste is a really good actress (judging from the pass she got on a bit part for the school play, I'd guess not), maybe she's an even better friend than I thought.  Maybe she picked up on all the crazy underneath all the crazy.  Maybe she really IS worried.

So I gave her a mini-flash drive with a copy of my book on it.  I tried to prep her for the psycho stuff she was going to read.  And I swore her to secrecy.

I hope she doesn't talk to Mr. Zullo again.

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